Park 915 App

Park 915 App

Download the free app today from the App Store and Google Play.

Safe. Easy. Secure.

You can use the Park 915 app to make easy, contactless payments for parking. The app is available for iOS and Android devices. If you’d like to use contactless pay without downloading the app, text the number on the meter or scan the QR code to pay without making an account. The Park 915 App is powered by ParkMobile. Visit for more information.

How to Use Park 915?
  1. Download the app.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Add your method of payment.
  4. Find a parking spot on the interactive map or in person.
  5. Enter the zone and space info.
  6. Select the duration of your stay.
  7. Extend your session remotely, as needed.
  8. Get customer support in English or Spanish through the app, or calling 877-727-5457.