
Parking Meter Transactions & Minutes Data

Source: City of El Paso International Bridges Department

Note: Graphs depict a 3 period moving average; include cash (coin), credit/debit, and Park915 (parking app) transaction and utilization data (in minutes). Parking meter operation days are Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for Downtown and Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 am for Uptown (approximately 26 days per month). The most recent observation is September 2024. Methodology changed starting May 2018 because of a system upgrade. Prior to May of 2018 minutes were not reported in the system, hence, a proxy was created where minutes equals 15 minutes for every 25 cents inserted in the parking meter. Please source appropriately if graphs or data are used. Data may be subject to revisions. Additional data may be provided upon request. Click inside graphs to expand.


Utilization (in minutes)

Page last updated on 10/10/2024